Did you know the Nativity Prayer Line is available daily to take your prayer requests?
Any burden that is laying on your heart will be lifted up daily in prayer by nearly 30 faithful members. To submit your prayer request, please call Mary Kay O’Rourke at (651) 698-5638 or Lucy Plunkett at (612) 817-0351 any time between 9am and 7pm.
Do you have a few minutes several times a week to join our prayer team? Call Lucy or Mary Kay for details.
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church provides parishioners with the opportunity to have daily Mass offered for a special intention. This traditional way of honoring special intentions, especially deceased loved ones, helps the faithful participate more fully in the offering of the Mass and unites them in prayer.
Please contact the Parish Office at (651) 696-5401 to schedule a special intention for one of our daily Masses.
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call for women to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of our parish priests.
If you are interested in committing to this apostolate, or simply wish to learn more, please contact the parish office at info@nativitystpaul.org or (651) 696-5401 or visit https://sevensistersapostolate.org.